Thompson Street Studio: Colorful Quilts, All Made from Scraps

Photograph via Thompson Street Studio

The Great Quilting Comeback continues: Returning again to cold weather (and more covers), we’re admiring these colorful quilts by Thompson Street Studio, all made from fabric remnants. Take a look.

The Bay Quilt in Blue, shown above, is quilted from fabric remnants; it starts at $350.

Many of the quilts, including the Sol Quilt in Berry, are reversible; the quilt is $450.

Photograph by Ruby Woodhouse

The Abstract Landscape Quilt, in shades of celadon green, chartreuse, and pale yellow, is $500.

The Sol Quilt in Olive makes an excellent change of scene when draped over a headboard.

And the autumnal Bay Quilt in Multi, from $350.