Join us for a look at the under-600-square-foot Paris flat of Stephen O’Sullivan, a dual Irish-French citizen, redone by Suleïma Ben Achour and Antoine Lallement of Studio Classico, with finishing touches of joie-de-vivre.
The new kitchen is now the center of the apartment, divided from the living room by a peninsula, so Stephen can cook while chatting with guests.
To go with the new checked floor, Suleïma found a length of Ikea fabric on Etsy patterned with all of the colors used in the apartment.
The architects detailed the kitchen with Rombini fluted porcelain tiles designed by Ronan and Erwan Bouroullec for Mutina.
The kitchen’s red checks lead to the bathroom’s green checks.
Stephen gave Suleïma and Antoine “carte blanche” to come up with the apartment’s key furnishings.
The bedroom, formerly a minty green, is now a bright apple.
The green theme continues in the bathroom, where the bespoke drawers serve as both storage and a bench.
The pedestal sink stands out against ivory tiles from French company Surface.
The architects: Suleïma is based in Paris and Antoine lives in Marseille; Studio Classico is just the two of them, but they frequently work with friends.
Photograph by Charlotte Robin.