Pretty in Pink: 9 Rosy-Hued Kitchens from the Remodelista Archives - Remodelista
Pretty in Pink: 9 Rosy-Hued Kitchens from the Remodelista Archives - Remodelista
Pretty in pink (and the occasional pale green or blue): Here are our favorite kitchens that use rose and blush to great effect.
Pretty in pink (and the occasional pale green or blue): Here are our favorite kitchens that use rose and blush to great effect.
The oft-Instagrammed UK kitchen of a food blogger features pink plaster walls that evoke an Italian country house.
The oft-Instagrammed UK kitchen of a food blogger features pink plaster walls that evoke an Italian country house.
Rose-colored glasses: Plaster finished in two coats of beeswax creates an antique feel in Out with the New: Reinventing the Past in a London Remodel.
Rose-colored glasses: Plaster finished in two coats of beeswax creates an antique feel in Out with the New: Reinventing the Past in a London Remodel.
In four charming loft apartments designed by The Renegade Real Estate Developers Chan Eayrs in London paneled...
In four charming loft apartments designed by The Renegade Real Estate Developers Chan Eayrs in London paneled...
...walls painted in Farrow Ball s pale pink Setting Plaster contrast with black steel frame windows and beams
...walls painted in Farrow Ball s pale pink Setting Plaster contrast with black steel frame windows and beams
Bubblegum-pink cabinetry meets terrazzo counters and gray walls in Chez Marie Sixtine: The Chicest New Guest Pad in Paris.
Bubblegum-pink cabinetry meets terrazzo counters and gray walls in Chez Marie Sixtine: The Chicest New Guest Pad in Paris.
Want to go pink but afraid of commitment?
Want to go pink but afraid of commitment?
Barragán in London: The slightest pink pigment mixes with green in Kitchen of the Week: Urban Tropical, A Simon Astridge Kitchen Addition.
Barragán in London: The slightest pink pigment mixes with green in Kitchen of the Week: Urban Tropical, A Simon Astridge Kitchen Addition.
In Paris, designer Marianne Evennou does up an apartment kitchen in rouge and steely gray.
In Paris, designer Marianne Evennou does up an apartment kitchen in rouge and steely gray.
A stack of Indian cotton towels in rosy hues, a Lisa Corti tablecloth from John Derian, and hot pink cushions brighten a mostly-white kitchen in House Call: Jaipur by Way of Brooklyn.
A stack of Indian cotton towels in rosy hues, a Lisa Corti tablecloth from John Derian, and hot pink cushions brighten a mostly-white kitchen in House Call: Jaipur by Way of Brooklyn.
An unexpected twist in a serene plywood kitchen: a look-at-me raspberry-colored refrigerator.
An unexpected twist in a serene plywood kitchen: a look-at-me raspberry-colored refrigerator.