Kitchen Tour: A Budget-Conscious Kitchen Made With Leftover Tile

Photography by 127af (@127_a_f)

As young architects running their own Paris firm, Deborah Feldman and Baptiste Potier specialize in making inventive use of affordable materials. In the case of this Normandy kitchen, they gathered leftover tiles from other projects to create a gridwork counter and backsplash and mounted industrial metal stair steps as wall-hung shelves that double as drying racks.

The kitchen is in a midcentury house in Caen, Normandy, that two friends of Baptiste and Deborah’s, a couple with a baby, bought as a fixer-upper.

One of the clients is a pastry chef; he requested the open storage, which inspired the architects to use grating sourced from a nearby metal yard.

The sink was built “like a floor-level shower” with tile applied directly to a wooden frame.

The steel grating works well for drying kitchen tools.

The kitchen, before.