When Dena Moran moved to the Hudson Valley, she had a difficult time sourcing specific ingredients she regularly cooked with.
When Dena Moran moved to the Hudson Valley, she had a difficult time sourcing specific ingredients she regularly cooked with.
Photography by Nicole Franzen (except where noted).
The shelves are stocked with olives and a variety of oils and spices, while the deli is filled with heritage Berkshire pork pate and freshly caught fish from the Boston auctions.
The shelves are stocked with olives and a variety of oils and spices, while the deli is filled with heritage Berkshire pork pate and freshly caught fish from the Boston auctions.
The shelves are stocked with olives and a variety of oils and spices, while the deli is filled with heritage Berkshire pork pate and freshly caught fish from the Boston auctions.
The shelves are stocked with olives and a variety of oils and spices, while the deli is filled with heritage Berkshire pork pate and freshly caught fish from the Boston auctions.
Potatoes, peppers, white asparagus, and Rieme blood orange soda.
Potatoes, peppers, white asparagus, and Rieme blood orange soda.
Locally grown red onions, garlic, and shallots are displayed in butcher paper-covered baskets.
Locally grown red onions, garlic, and shallots are displayed in butcher paper-covered baskets.