An alternative to the turf lawn? Think colorful meadow garden. Get the details, plus favorite new plant accessories, a stylish hydroponics kit, and more this week at Gardenista.

- “Not to fat-shame concrete, but it has an undeniable weight problem,” says Michelle, who presents a solution in this week’s 10 Easy Pieces: irresistible Portable Concrete Pots (and, no, they’re not all this tiny).
- Bay Area garden designer John Greenlee “paints with grasses.” If you’re looking to replace your lawn with a better option, go straight to his 8 Tips for a Meadow Garden. Photograph courtesy of Greenlee and Associates.
- This week’s Garden Visit takes us to New Zealand’s North Island, and one of the world’s must-see estates: Beverly McConnell’s 12 Acres of Eden. Photograph by Ingalls Photography.
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