In the design world, a homey popularism is ascendant. The sustainability movement’s celebration of all things vintage has led to a new appreciation for furnishings that are cozy, robust, and firmly rooted to the ground.
Made for hunkering down, these sofas, tables, and beds look like children’s book illustrations—and, in some cases, children’s drawings—brought to life, leading us to dub the style The Three Bears. Some are 1960’s and ’70s Brutalist pieces from Europe and Scandinavia, dragged out of the attic and pricey. Others are honest examples of rustic carpentry, and also contemporary yearnings for a more storybook existence. It all undeniably overlaps with comfort trends like Strega Nona Autumn. Just right for right now? Here’s a sampling.

More refined folk style:
- Brutalismo: A Concrete Cabin in the Woods of Cañada de Alferes, Mexico
- Trend Alert: Hand-Carved Tyrolean Folk Chairs
- 10 Ways to Display Wooden Spoons
- 6 Favorites: Sturdy, Old-Fashioned Grandmother-Style Cotton Sheets for Winter
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