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Chelsea Miller Knives

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Chelsea Miller Knives


Chelsea Miller Knives

by Published: July 30, 2013

A good knife is hard to come by. Ideally a knife is functional foremost, but I hope you can forgive me when I say that I also want my knives to be pretty. We can’t have ugly knives marring our perfectly styled cheeseboards, now can we?

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Above: Chelsea Miller, the maker of these beauties, sources the wood from her family’s property in Vermont’s Northern Kingdom and forges the high carbon steel blades from discarded files and tools.

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Above: As the daughter of a blacksmith, Chelsea learned to make knives in her father’s shop. You can read the full story on Madesmith.

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Above: In a collection made exclusively for Madesmith, Chelsea offers a Small Multipurpose Knife, $135; a Medium Multipurpose Knife, $145; and a Cheese Tool Knife, $125. I’d gladly take all three. 

To watch a short film on Chelsea, head to her website. 

For more tabletop ideas, head here.

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