Founded by two recent graduates of St. Martins College–Ed Jackson Lloyd-Dyke and Oliver Dean–Dyke & Dean is a just-opened housewares store in Hastings, a seaside town in East Sussex currently undergoing a renaissance.
Lloyde-Dyke and Dean both studied product design, and they’ve chosen to focus on classic goods (leather pencil cases produced in the UK, Iris Hantverk brushes), interleaving them with contemporary offerings (Plumen light bulbs, Sigg lunch tins), often from independent designers. The two designed the shop interiors themselves; a preponderance of white subway tile and simple plywood display boxes have a deeply utilitarian charm. There is a placeholder website at Dyke & Dean; a good sense of the wares on sale can be had by going to the company’s Facebook page.
Photography by David Merewether for Wealden Times (except where noted).
Above: The shop’s interior features tiled shelving and rough-hewn floors.
Above: A row of industrial lights illuminates the window.
Above: A brick wall painted black adds a contrasting note to the otherwise neutral interior.
Above: A traditional wood laundry rack serves as a display rack.
Above: A shelving unit is made from variously sized plywood boxes held together with clamps. Photograph by Esther Johnson from Home Trend Spotter.
Above: A selection of traditional wares is on offer.
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