A few weeks ago, we featured Scott Newkirk's Brooklyn apartment (see Designer Visit: Scott Newkirk in Brooklyn); we couldn't get his genius curtain system out of our minds, so we decided to research some ideas for creating a similar room-dividing solution.
Photography of Newkirk's space by Michael Mundy (to see more, go to An Afternoon With).

Above: Newkirk created a division between his living area and bedroom using dramatic floor-to-ceiling curtains made from burlap sourced from NY store Circle Visual, suspended from standard-issue hospital curtain tracks.
Above: For large projects, the Felt Store sells 60-inch-wide, 100-yard-long rolls of Natural Burlap, made from jute fibers, for $233 (other sizes also available).
Above: The Cubicle Curtain Track from Curtains Expert starts at $29.95 for a two-foot length and goes up to $109.95 for an eight-foot length.

Above: The DIY-averse might want to consider burlap panels, available in a variety of sizes, from Hilltop Originals.
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