In Justine Cook’s modest Welsh country cottage, the kitchen came together via reclaimed furniture, vintage lighting, and a little Ikea here and there. With lower cabinets made from military office cupboards and a Welsh dresser bottom, all pieces were painted in stark flat white to bring the look together. The cabinets were topped with wood from a felled beech tree nearby, and the modular-like segments are accented with classic, yet affordable appliances and fixtures. Here, we’ve called out a list of resources to recreate a similar look.



Faucets & Fixtures


For more country kitchens see our posts:
- Steal This Look: A Painterly Farmhouse Kitchen in Upstate New York
- Steal This Look: A Dark Blue Shaker Kitchen in Westchester County
- Steal This Look: A Plaster Pink Kitchen in Bath, England
- Steal This Look: A Retro English Kitchen in Hampshire, England
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