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Simple Willow Baskets by Joe Hogan


Simple Willow Baskets by Joe Hogan

March 14, 2012

A basketmaker since 1978, Joe Hogan is attracted to this indigenous craft because he can grow his own materials, turning his passion for the rural environment into art.

Based near Loch na Fooey, a glacial lake in Galway, Ireland, Hogan makes his distinctive and colorful baskets from willows that he cultivates. “Growing willow over time gives you a lot of extra knowledge about how rods behave,” he says. “It also gives variety to the work.” All baskets are made to order; contact Joe Hogan Baskets for information.

640 basket fitched log dark brown

Above: Fitched Log Basket.

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Above: The striping in the Blue and Yellow Bowl adds a modern accent to a traditional craft.

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Above: The colors in this Tub Shape Log/Turf Basket showcase some of the 15 varieties of willow Hogan currently grows on an acre of land.

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Above: An Oval Shopping Basket features two shades.

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Above: A crop of willows, with harvested bundles lying on the ground.

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