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Shopper’s Diary: Paxton Gate

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Shopper’s Diary: Paxton Gate


Shopper’s Diary: Paxton Gate

by Published: February 4, 2008

San Francisco garden/curiosity store Paxton Gate specialized in slightly macabre wares before the whole skull/death motif went mainstream. It’s the go-to place for mounted butterflies, moths, tarantulas; taxidermy jackaloupe and mice; sea urchins and starfish. They also carry gardening tools and odds and ends such as bell jars, journals, jewelery. Well worth a visit if you are in SF; otherwise go to

Below: Ostrich eggs; $33 each:

prod nats ostrichegg 11 06

Below: Mounted walking stick moth; $82:

Shoppers Diary Paxton Gate portrait 4

Below: Sputnik sea urchins; $6.50 each:

Shoppers Diary Paxton Gate portrait 5

Below: Fish skeleton on wooden base; $39:

prod bone fish 11 06

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