Danes seeking a break from honeyed wood and soft Gustavian grays can find refuge at No. 40 Copenhagen. The ultimate retro-modern man cave, the shop presents an eclectic array of French vintage and industrial goods: weighty metal files, dramatically scaled lighting, medical ward cast offs, and vintage locker room fare. There’s also texture–woven baskets and rustic farmhouse tables–to punctuate the darkness. A healthy dose of curios, sprinkled with goods of a more intimate scale, further broaden No 40’s appeal.

Above: Located on Gammel Kongevej, No. 40 hosts a range of French goods, from Jielde floor lamps to classic bistro fare. Image via The Happy Mango.

Above: Nothing new: the shop specializes in storied pieces marked with the patina from years of use. Image via What Katie Does.

Above: Vintage Luxembourg cafe chairs flank the sidewalk.

Above: An eclectic mix of rustic and industrial elements give No. 40 an earthy, grounded feel. Image via What Katie Does.

Above: On any given day you might find vintage taxidermy or classic movie lights brightening the moody interior.

Above: Retro fans and a model plane add a touch of whimsy.

Above: Industrial clocks and lights and antique gym equipment are among the staples at No. 40.

Above: An industrial table and vintage drafting stools, an ensemble that would look great in a restaurant or home.

Above: No. 40 is a reliable source for mid-century lighting and rustic furniture–but you never know what you’ll find on offer.

Above: A room furnished with finds from No. 40–demonstrating that the goods are not at all incompatible with a more traditional Scandi palette.

Above: Two mixed-media interiors compliments of No. 40 Copenhagen.
A source of industrial antiques closer to home? See Big Daddy’s Antiques in LA–the setting for our winter Remodelista holiday market. For an interior that makes use of industrial architecture and design, visit an Industrial Penthouse in France. Like the idea of living with lockers? See Design Sleuth: School Lockers.
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