Today’s Oki-Nami Restaurant in Brighton features Nazanin Kamali’s Okinami Chair, which is produced by the British design firm Case. Founded in 2006 by two veterans of the British furniture design industry, Sheridan Coakley and Paul Newman, Case’s mandate is "good design as standard." Newman and Coakley (the latter is credited with launching the careers of Jasper Morrison and Matthew Hilton) work with a coterie of designers in an effort to deliver great design at good value. British department store mainstay John Lewis just added some of the collection to their online store, while DWR carries select pieces in the US. Case also recently added an online shop, where they sell select pieces at a compelling discount.
Above: Okinami Round Table and Chair by Nazanin Kamali.
Above two photos: Theo Sofa by Matthew Hilton.
Above: The Profile Chair by Matthew Hilton, $350 from DWR.
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