Our friend Allison turned us on to the ‘”Loodylady,” the best online source we have found for vintage linens. The Loodylady, otherwise known as Wendy Lewis, sources an extensive collection of European homespun linen, organic hemps, and antique French textiles. For more information on the products, go to The Textile Trunk; to purchase directly, go to Loodylady on eBay. Here’s a selection of some of the current offerings.
Above: Vintage Organic Linen Duvet Cover, $225 (5.75 feet long by 33 inches wide).
Above: Vintage Hemp Fabric, 5.2 yards for $235.
Above: Vintage Mangle Cloth, $75 (35.5 inches wide by 9.33 feet long).
Above: Vintage Linen Feed Flour Sack $43 per yard.
Above: Antique Vintage Ticking Red Blue Stripes, $164 (3.58 feet wide by 5.5 feet long).
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