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Picasso’s True Artists


Picasso’s True Artists

April 27, 2012

Picasso said, "Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up." Here's a collection of images that prove the point.

700 le dans la washi tape drawings

Above: Casual drawings are displayed with a thin strip of washi tape from Le Dans La.

jill malek design sponge studio

Above: Small round magnets attach children's art to the front door at Jill Malek's studio from Design Sponge.

sarah office kids drawing

Above: Remodelista editor Sarah displays a pink woodblock print made by her daughter Imogen: "I like to mix in pieces by my children on my inspiration pinboard. It's a constant work in progress."

700 jan eleni kids art collage

Above: Jan Eleni copies and resizes kids art projects into a custom Jan Eleni Collage; prices start at $950 for the 40 image archival print.

700 1700 hanway art 2

Above: Remodelista editor Christine Hanway displays a drawing by her son Will ("it's of a sushi chef at work. I paired it with a photograph of Japan taken by architect Cary Bernstein").

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