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Object of Desire: Cast Iron Camping Cookware from Poler


Object of Desire: Cast Iron Camping Cookware from Poler

May 1, 2017

We like this set of cast iron cookware for the campfire from outdoors company Poler. In addition to the standard Dutch oven, Poler makes a skillet and squillet (square skillet) that when flipped becomes a griddle complete with embossed logo for stamping onto pancakes.

two poler cast iron dutch ovens show the poler logo on the lids this time. 17
Above: Two Poler Cast Iron Dutch Ovens show the Poler logo on the lids this time.
the enlightenment skillet flipped over becomes a surface for cooking pancakes. 18
Above: The Enlightenment Skillet flipped over becomes a surface for cooking pancakes.
the poler design transfers onto whatever is being cooked. 19
Above: The Poler design transfers onto whatever is being cooked.

the poler squillet is \$54.95. 20
Above: The Poler Squillet is $54.95.
the enlightenment skillet is \$54.95. 21
Above: The Enlightenment Skillet is $54.95.
the poler cast iron dutch oven; \$54.95. 22
Above: The Poler Cast Iron Dutch Oven; $54.95.

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