Is an enduring design relationship like a good marriage? We think so. Take the case of New York designer Fawn Galli‘s collaboration with a peripatetic family who have ping-ponged between Paris and New York. Galli has worked on all their residences; her most recent project is the couple’s weekend house in West Cornwall, Connecticut. Galli handled the interiors, while architect Douglas Wright (a friend of the husband’s from college and a former colleague of Galli’s at Robert A. M. Stern’s office), oversaw the renovation.
The first order of business was to rethink the internal flow. “From what had become a rabbit warren of rooms, we created a plan for a modern family,” Wright says. “We recast the details of the original house in a completely new layout; original baseboards, doors, trims, and flooring.”
Galli took on the interior design. “The attitude of the house is Old World but modern, with a streak of bohemian,” she says. “It’s very much a weekend country house; the couple has three boys, 11, 14, 17, and they throw lots of dinner parties, play games, and read by the fire.”
Photography courtesy of Fawn Galli.

N.B.: This post is an update; the original story ran on May 20, 2016.
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