We’ve admired the work of Fleet Objects’ Zoe Garred before; but we are particularly taken with her Mariner lamps. Garred got her inspiration for the design from local fishing floats and casts the porcelain lamps by hand in her Vancouver studio. The lamps are available in Vancouver at Much and Little and online at Fleet Objects.
Above: Mariner Lamp Cone; $225. The lampshade comes with an 8-inch-long adjustable cord and comes in azure, light blue, and red.
Above: Oval Mariner Lamp; $200. When lit, the porcelain gives off a warm glow that contrasts with the sharp, bright pool of light that beams through the mouth of the lamp.
Above: Mariner Lamp Cone Triple Hardware; $650.
For another porcelain lamp option, see our post on the Fuse Lamp by Note Design Studio.
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