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Windows, Walls & Floors: Magnetic Attraction

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Windows, Walls & Floors: Magnetic Attraction


Windows, Walls & Floors: Magnetic Attraction

by Published: March 19, 2007

An idea to steal from a friend’s newly remodeled kitchen: a magnetic wall. Kling Magnetics sells a magnetic paint that turns any wall into an instant message board or photo gallery. The process is simple: apply a few coats of magnetic paint, then topcoat with your own paint color. Great for creating a bulletin board above your desk, or on a kid’s closet door, or in the kitchen (next to the refrigerator).

Windows Walls  Floors Magnetic Attraction portrait 3 Windows Walls  Floors Magnetic Attraction portrait 4

Note the magnetic paint wall to the right of the fridge:

Windows Walls  Floors Magnetic Attraction portrait 5

Kitchen architect: Jerome Buttrick (

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