Who: Noon Design Studio was founded in 2010 by Jane Palmer in her garage in LA’s Beachwood Canyon neighborhood. She has since expanded into a large studio in the city’s downtown garment district.
What: The studio is the premier natural dye production house in the country, employing roots, bark, flowers, wood, leaves and mineral powders to create rich hues for dying organic cotton, hemp, linen, and cashmere.
Insider Scoop: At the Remodelista Market, Jane will introduce an exclusive line of tabletop linens dyed with pine charcoal and soils from around the US.
Above: A selection of Shibori Pillows; prices start at $134.
Above: Noon Design Studio’s Cashmere Blankets are a collaboration with LA weaver Christy Matson.
Above: The blankets are made from leftover pieces of hand-twisted cashmere yarn that’s dyed with natural ingredients (such as California walnuts, cutch bark, and madder root) in the Noon Design Studio. The warp is linen deadstock from an LA denim company that is hand dyed with walnut. Inquire about pricing.
Above: Plenty of Indigo Dye Kits will be available at the market. They come packaged in a cotton shibori wrapper and contain enough indigo to dye several pieces of clothing; $42. See the full line at Noon Design Studio.
For more indigo favorites, see our posts on Silvia Song’s Indigo-Dyed Wooden Bowls and the Indigo Ombre Hues from Cle Tiles.
Get all the Remodelista market details here.
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