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Modigliani Slept Here: 10 Ideas to Steal from a Hotel and Artists’ Atelier in Paris

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Modigliani Slept Here: 10 Ideas to Steal from a Hotel and Artists’ Atelier in Paris


Modigliani Slept Here: 10 Ideas to Steal from a Hotel and Artists’ Atelier in Paris

by Published: February 16, 2022

To be added to my Future Travel Wish List: a stay at Hôtel des Académies et des Arts in Paris, once home to Modigliani (and his studio on the top floor), now a hotel and open-to-all artist workspace with 20 “large poetic rooms.” The hotel was redone by Paris-based architecture studio Lizée Hugot (the team behind Hotel Le Sud many miles south; see Let There Be Light: Hotel Le Sud in the South of France, a Guesthouse Inspired by Picasso) and features hand-painted murals on the ceilings and intentional paint splatters—much more artist’s atelier than hotel. Have breakfast or a drink in the café; just behind is a painting studio where guests—and students from the Academy of Arts across the street—can work.

Here are a few design elements we love:

1. Add nails.

the bright and open lobby. iron nails border the tops of most rooms for hanging 17
Above: The bright and open lobby. Iron nails border the tops of most rooms for hanging paintings ad hoc, inspired, the hotel says, by Van Gogh’s Chambre du Peintre.

2. Paint built-ins.

the bibliothèque, where guests can settle with a drink from the honor bar. 18
Above: The bibliothèque, where guests can settle with a drink from the honor bar. The furnishings are custom with a lived-in feel.

3. Employ sculptural furnishings.

the cafe atelier has custom wooden tables and banquettes; there are always jars 19
Above: The cafe atelier has custom wooden tables and banquettes; there are always jars of paintbrushes at the ready.
for breakfast, the hoteliers serve organic breads and pastries from local boula 20
Above: For breakfast, the hoteliers serve organic breads and pastries from local boulangerie Maison M’Seddi. The wooden tables have the looks of artist’s pedestals.

4. Embrace paint splatters.

through the dining area to the workshop, which feels as though an artist&#8 21
Above: Through the dining area to the workshop, which feels as though an artist’s just stepped out, complete with paint splatters on the floor.

5. Make art.

the atelier is open to all; painting classes are also on offer. 22
Above: The atelier is open to all; painting classes are also on offer.

6. Bring back wood paneling.

in a classic room, the bed nook is paneled in dark oak with a thin ledge for di 23
Above: In a classic room, the bed nook is paneled in dark oak with a thin ledge for displaying artwork. (See also: Trend Alert: The Return of Retro Wood Paneling.)

7. Or silk.

in a superior room, the bed is set into an alcove covered with ochre colored si 24
Above: In a superior room, the bed is set into an alcove covered with ochre-colored silk.
a workspace, complete with stripes. 25
Above: A workspace, complete with stripes.

8. Hue to a neutral palette.

in a nod to blank canvases, guest rooms are designed &#8\2\20;as your own a 26
Above: In a nod to blank canvases, guest rooms are designed “as your own art studio,” the hotel says, with simple lime-washed walls.

9. Hand-paint murals.

ceilings throughout the hotel feature frescoes by artist franck lebraly, who wa 27
Above: Ceilings throughout the hotel feature frescoes by artist Franck Lebraly, who was inspired by Cubism and Surrealism, Picasso and Delaunay, the hotel says.

10. Hang a sink skirt.

a sink skirt—as in this pleated version in a family suite—adds bo 28
Above: A sink skirt—as in this pleated version in a family suite—adds bold glamour to the bath, as does a piece of marble as backsplash. (For similar ideas, see Sink Skirt Revival: 16 Fresh Examples of a New Old Trend and Luxe on a Dime: 15 High/Low Hacks for Using Marble Scraps, from the Remodelista Archives.)

For much more, head to Hôtel des Académies et des Arts. And for more Ideas to Steal, might we suggest:

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