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Gift Guide: Remodelista Editors’ Picks

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Gift Guide: Remodelista Editors’ Picks


Gift Guide: Remodelista Editors’ Picks

by Published: December 18, 2013

We do a lot of browsing here at Remodelista. But when it’s comes to buying–or requesting presents–we think and then think some more. Here, the household designs that have risen to top of own wish lists. As for what we ourselves are giving, that’s easy: our family and friends are getting copies of our new book, Remodelista, A Manual for the Considered Home. We hope you follow our example!

To make sure we’ve got everyone on your list covered, we’re posting a new gift guide every weekday from now until Christmas. See all of the Gift Guides to date in our archive.

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Above: Justine is coveting a handmade Hot Pad from UK-based blogger and designer, Alessandra Taccia. “I follow Alessandra’s blog La Casita and love how she celebrates everyday beauty in her images and in the items she crafts by hand,” she says. The hand-stitched hot pad is made from Japanese fabrics, linen, hemp, and bamboo batting; £28 from Knots.

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Above: When my husband and got married, our friend who trained at the Cordon Bleu Paris gave us a pewter charger–as the only cook among us, she was already onto the value of good tableware–years ahead of us. Other than appreciate it as an object of beauty, I didn’t really know what to do with it then. Now that I myself love to cook, I use it for serving cheese, crudites, oysters, fruit–just about everything. Having discovered its usefulness, I would love a few more. The Future Perfect offers the Round Platter from Italian company Match ($335). Also see Sarah’s High/Low: Rustic Pewter Plates.

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Above: Janet, our resident kitchen appliance specialist, has the low-tech Pallarés Solsona Navaja Folding Knife on her list. “A gift that can be personal or shared, it’s the last pocket knife you’ll ever need,” she says. Made of olive wood with a carbon steel blade, the navaja, which means folding knife in Spanish, is $82 from Quitokeeto.

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Above: Julie is secretly coveting an extravagent plush dip-dyed V::Room Face Towel from the cult Japanese brand V::Room; $198 from Lost & Found in Los Angeles.

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Above: One can never have enough beeswax candles–the tapered ones are especially elegant–and we all have them on our wish lists. Tie them together with some twine and a sprig of rosemary for an instant gift-wrapped present. Ten-inch Beeswax Tapered Candles are available for $7.95 from Beehive Candles, and £8.50 from The Decorator’s Notebook in the UK. Image via The Decorator’s Notebook.

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Above: After experiencing this Nepalese Rope Incense at the A Détacher store in New York, Meredith is hoping to find a bundle in her stocking; $12 each.

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Above: The last few busy months have demonstrated the value of a good night’s sleep to Alexa. On her wish list this year: The Company Store’s Baffled Square Goose Down Featherbed ($199 for a queen) spotted in our post, 5 Favorites: Mattress Toppers.

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Above: Just about finished with her remodel, Izabella is focusing on finishing touches, such as Ilse Crawford’s Solid Brass Candleholder, perfect by a bedside on a winter’s evening; $140 from The Future Perfect.

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Above: An updated version of the classic wooden salad bowl she grew up with, Margot wants this white-dipped Family Size Serving Bowl from Wind & Willow Home, $215, and hopes it helps her replicate her mother’s perfect vinaigrette.

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Above: Sarah dreams big, and this year she has her eye on the Ball Light Pendant by Michael Anastassiades in polished gold, recommended for hanging in groups of three or more; $1,080 each from The Future Perfect.  A much more affordable and equally loved alternative would be Lindsey Adelman’s DIY You Make It Chandelier Kit; $140.

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Above: Meredith is wondering if there’s a corner in her apartment for this Bolivian Hammock from L’Aviva Home. Handwoven by women in remote Amazon villages; it’s available in black and white, cobalt and white, and white and natural, $485.

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Above: If you’re still looking for a gift for yourself or a design-minded friend, we’ve got you covered: Singled out by the editors of Amazon as one of the top 100 books of the year, our first book, Remodelista, A Manual for the Considered Home, is available at bookstores all over.

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Hot Pad #1

£28.00 GBP from Knots

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