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Gift Guide 2016: Gifts for the Host Under $50

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Gift Guide 2016: Gifts for the Host Under $50


Gift Guide 2016: Gifts for the Host Under $50

by Published: December 10, 2016

‘Tis the season for trying to figure out what to give the host. Today we’re bringing you part one of our annual gift guide—and everything is under $50 (Tomorrow we’ll be looking at gifts under $100).

the future kept stubby english beeswax candles on table 17

Above: These Pure Beeswax Stubby Candles, made in the UK, come in two sizes and are an elegant alternative to holiday-themed candles. Available from the Future Kept, £12 ($14.89) for small or £18 ($22.34) for large.

ila olive oil 18

Above: There’s almost no need to wrap Ila’s Extra Virgin Olive Oil: Pressed in a 100-year-old mill in Andalusia, it comes in an elegant glass bottle ($42 from Ila).

cb2 basket bowl 19

Above: This twice-fired ceramic Basket Bowl is a sculptural addition to any kitchen. It’s $44.95 at CB2.

abc carpet and home linge particulier apron towel 20

Above: Every host will appreciate this hardworking Linge Particulier Towel Apron. When not in use as a dish towel, it doubles as a simple apron. It’s available in multiple colors, including charcoal; $24 from ABC Carpet & Home.

alder and co anthracite trivet 21

Above: For the potluck host: Felted square Anthracite Trivets protect the table from hot dishes (and look neat stacked on the counter). Each trivet is $25 from Alder & Co.

food52 hand forged triangle dinner bell 22
Above: Summon guests to dinner with this Hand-Forged Triangle Bell from an Arizona blacksmith. Available for $50 via Food52.

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