Leave it to the Dutch to figure out a way to integrate function into the concept of tiling. "We love tiles so much that we do not want to interrupt that grid for any reason," say the designers.
Dutch designers Peter van der Jagt, Erik Jan Kwakkel, and Arnout Visser invented DTile, a versatile tile system featuring built-in items for every day use. The functional tiles come with integrated fixtures, such as ceramic hooks, plugholes, and drawers. For more information and a list of dealers, go to DTile.
Above: A built-in tiled drawer.
Above: Have we found the perfect toilet paper holder? We think so. For another option, see Crisis in the Commode: Powder Room Edition.
Above: A tile square made into a vent.
Above: Tiled cubes that function as shelves.
Above: A Red Cross-tiled drawer.
Above: A 60-minute timer.
N.B. Looking for more tile inspiration? See 805 photos of tiled bathrooms in our Gallery.
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