Spring has us thinking about changing out tired linens for fresher, brighter, made-to-last versions. For a long while we’ve been admiring East London Cloth, makers of both “off the peg” and bespoke linens for all over the house. The outfit was founded by Gemma Moulton, who studied upholstery at London Met and apprenticed and worked for some of the city’s most esteemed curtain makers before beginning East London Cloth in the midst of lockdowns in 2020. The linens are handmade by a small team of makers and designed to last—and be passed down.
Take a look at just a few offerings:

“Nostalgia can be a real stabilizing force in times of crisis,” Moulton told The Home Page when asked about the appeal of soft goods during the pandemic. “Shutting the world out with a big pair of curtains might be just what we need when things outside seem a little unstable.”

Curious to learn Gemma’s tricks? She offers a virtual course on curtain sewing via Create Academy; head here for more, and see our feature East London Cloth: Purveyors of Household Linens, Made to Last, too.
N.B.: This post is a rerun and has been updated with new images, information, and links.
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