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Domestic Science: Carpet Beater from DWR

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Domestic Science: Carpet Beater from DWR


Domestic Science: Carpet Beater from DWR

by Published: May 5, 2009

The rattan Carpet Beater, produced by the Redecker company in Germany (makers of fine brushes and housewares since 1936), is best "used in conjunction with vacuuming for a most effective rug cleaning solution. Beat the carpet from the backside to expel dust and dirt and to protect the exposed surface." No carpets? I saw this at DWR Tools for Living in New York yesterday and thought it made a great piece of wall art. $20 at Design Within Reach.

dwr redecker carpet beater 2
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Product summary  

dwr redecker carpet beater 2
Gernot and Jutta Redecker

Carpet Beater

More Info from Garrett Wade

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