When it comes to simple yet satisfying paint projects, I love to transform basic, everyday objects with a hint of color. These wooden spoons are the perfect example.
To do this yourself, I recommend using Golden Fluid acrylic colors. They dry quickly and come in a wide range of rich colors. See our sources for beech wood spoons and paints below.
Above: Our original source of inspiration: Wooden Spoons; €11.50 from Cachette in France.
Above: Unfinished Thin Handle Beechwood Spoon; $3.95 from Sur La Table. I recommend Golden Fluid Acrylic Paints in #2403 Vat Orange, #2425 Cadmium Red Medium Hue, #2060 Chromium Oxide Green, and #2380 Titanium White; consult the company's website for retailers.

Above: In my studio, I use colored enamel buckets for various purposes. N.B.: For more paint advice, have a look at my recent book (Required Reading: The Right Color by Eve Ashcraft).
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