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Design Sleuth: Pro Ven Di Revolving Soap Holder


Design Sleuth: Pro Ven Di Revolving Soap Holder

June 8, 2012

Making a comeback: the classic revolving soap holder. The practical Provendi soap fixture from France has adorned public school washrooms throughout Europe for years. Now we’re noticing them in chic baths everywhere (and we’re coveting one for ourselves).

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Above: Spotted at Society Limonta: the Pro Ven Di soap hook plus Drai Linen Towels.

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Above: The Pro Ven Di Soap Hook is €22 at Torquato, which ships to the US.

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Above: Pro Ven Di refill soaps are available in a range of fragrances, including Green Fern, Beige Fern, and Lemon soap; €9.50 each at Torquato.

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