Spotted on Daily Danny: the appealing, Euro-styled Caroma Dual-Flush water-saving toilet from Australia. The eco-minded Danny says, “If you haven’t heard of Caroma, there’s probably a very good reason: they are new to the US and hail all the way from Australia. In many parts of Australia, they’ve been facing a terrible drought that is considered one of the worst in the history of the country.” So it’s not a surprise that Australian company Caroma has developed a dual-flush toilet that uses .89 gallons or 1.6 gallons of water. Plus, we like the company slogan: “Conservation with Style.”
Below: The Sydney Smart 305 Round Front Plus; starts at $299 at the Natural Abode.
Below: The Caroma’s flush button allows you to choose between the two flush options.
Finally, get more ideas on how to evaluate and choose your bathroom toilet in our Remodeling 101 Guide: Bathroom Toilets.
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