What a genius idea: forget dreary (and depressing) hardware store heating vent covers. Think like Lisa Collins of Studio One|San Francisco Interiors & Design, who based her design for these integrated vent covers on owl holes.
See more at Rehab Diaries: Barn Style in Marin County.
Above: Collins used owl holes near the top of roof pitches in barns as her inspiration for this vent cover. “We couldn’t move the vent, and it drove me crazy each time I walked in the front door,” she says. “I love this detail because it solves a problem and adds another detail to the look of the Modern Barn at the same time.”
Above: Collins had her contractor punch the owl holes out of the wood siding.
Finally, get more ideas on how to evaluate and choose a new kitchen hood or vent in our Remodeling 101 Guide: Kitchen Hoods & Vents.
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