Spotted recently: adorable and utterly original dolls and baby blankets from Timo Handmade, hand sewn from recycled fabrics by Israeli native Timor Cohen. Cohen uses whatever is on hand—fabrics scraps (a too-small shirt, for instance), a jar of buttons, a pillow case with a hole–in her whimsical creations, which range from dolls to animals, balls, books, and blankets. Though primitive in their construction, Cohen's creations are thoroughly modern, making them a timeless gift for any youngster or just the young at heart. To read more about Cohen and her creative process, go to Design Skool.

Above: Gray Friendly Mouse, made of 100 percent cotton fabric; $46.

Above: Patchwork Baby Blanket; $60.

Above: Friendly Mice wearing boots; $46 each.
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