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A West Flanders Barn Tells a Tale of Two Seasons

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A West Flanders Barn Tells a Tale of Two Seasons


A West Flanders Barn Tells a Tale of Two Seasons

by Published: January 7, 2013

Belgium-based photographer Danica Kus shares winter images of one of our favorite barn transformations by Buro II/ARCHI+I, focusing on the relationship between the building and its surrounding West Flanders landscape of rolling hills near the sea.

“Photographing the same house in two different and contrasting seasons, summer and winter, was a unique experience for me," Kus says. "The landscape of West Flanders is beautiful, poetic, and nostalgic. At first glance, the Barn House is a modest structure that is sited unobtrusively into its surroundings, and does not prepare you for the delights you discover as you step into the living room and immerse yourself into the middle of a Flemish Master’s landscape painting.”

Photography by Danica O. Kus.


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Above: "In winter, the Barn House and landscape is white and sleeping, quiet and dreamy; magical like a Brueghel painting," Kus says.

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Above: The house retains its previous barn profile as evidenced by the existing barn structure behind.

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Above: The porch is extruded from the barn and provides views of the surrounding rural landscape.

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Above: Raising the large shutters provides protection from inclement weather and opens up expansive views of the landscape.

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Above: "The transparency of the wall and the almost monochrome interior gave me the feeling of freedom and connection to nature," Kus says. A black anthracite poly-concrete floor was poured over the entire length of the house and contrasts with the brightness of the snow.

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Above: Interior designer Rita Huys and interior architect Anne-Mie Vermaut created a neutral background with simple details, in deference to the starring role of the landscape.

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Above: The bedroom is separated from the bathroom by a wall of crystal glass devoid of color. A simple white curtain suspended from a stainless steel curtain creates privacy.

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Above: Reflections of the winter trees can be seen in the bathroom mirror.

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Above: The unobtrusive house has varying degrees of transparency centered around its relationship to the landscape.

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Above: A view of the romantic Flemish landscape.


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Above: The barn renovation is by the Belgian architectural and interior design office, BURO II/BURO Interior.

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Above: The summer view of the surrounding landscape from the porch. The various outside spaces designed by landscape architect Eric Dhont, including herb garden, vegetable garden and a field of flowers, can be reached by concrete stepping stones.

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Above: The summer light affects the bedroom differently from the winter light.

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Above: In the summer, the bathroom mirror reflects a different picture to the bare winter trees.

N.B.: Our love affair with Belgian design is no secret. For more, see 1,166 posts of Belgian Design.

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