Short on space? Here are five kitchen tools with a small imprint (they also reinforce the idea that not all kitchen implements need to be plastic).
Above: The Multi-Purpose Cookset 1 from Japanese company Snow Peak is a heavy-duty cook set including pots, a colander, and a frying pan (the entire set can be stacked). Originally designed for campers (but we can see it working well in a studio apartment), the entire set is $169.95.
Above: Handcrafted wooden Whale Tongs from Design House Stockholm feature a magnetic hinge that make them easy to take apart to clean (and to store); they can be used both as tongs and salad servers; $50 from Lumens.
Above: Kyocera's ceramic knives are smaller and lighter than traditional knives; the White Ceramic Knife is $59.95 from
Above: This Propeller Trivet folds to a tube shape and is easily stored in a drawer; $20 from Luminaire.
Above: The Five Piece Bamboo Utensil Set can be easily stacked in a drawer: $19.95 from Crate and Barrel. Made from organic bamboo, the set includes cooking spoons, two turners, and one slotted spoon.
N.B. Are you a small space dweller? See 1,401 images of Small Space Living in our Gallery of rooms and spaces.
N.B.: This post is an update; the original story ran on February 28, 2012.
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