It’s a jungle in there: This week the Gardenista crew reports from Maison & Objet in Paris and beyond about the latest in lush interiors—good-looking self-watering pots included.

- For a family in a Taiwan apartment with no outdoor space, Hao Design created an indoor garden—and playground. See Living with Plants.
- Too good to be true? This week’s 10 Easy Pieces is devoted to self-watering pots and planters—and Michelle says they really work.
- Learn how to make DIY Eco-Friendly (and Fragrant) Fire Starters from Erin Boyle. And have you heard? Erin’s first book is just out: Get a sampling at The Tidy Life: 7 Daily Habits from the Author of Simple Matters.
- The new meaning of garden to table: restaurants that put houseplants on the menu. Take a look at Friday’s Roundup.
- Go to Gardenista for more, including the answer to the question of the moment: How do you water an air plant?
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