Recently spotted (and admired) on the Dutch blog Frivole: a DIY canopy hung from a branch over a children’s bed. This project can easily be replicated with a salvaged branch, two chains hung from a couple of hooks, and a simple curtain.
Photography by Frivole.

Above: Susanne Otter, writer of the Frivole blog, made the canopy for her son Pepin and hung it over his bed.
Above: Otter prefers the linen canopy to have a wrinkled look, which she achieved by removing the wet curtain from the washer and letting it air dry.
Above: Ikea offers several tab curtains which can be used to hang directly from the branch creating a canopy. The Lenda Curtain is $34.99 for a set of two. Buy the chain and hooks from your local hardware store.
As you may have noticed, we are obsessed with branches. Here are 203 Branch posts that may surprise you. Lamp fixtures, hooks, towel racks, handrails, all of which have been made by a simple branch.
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